If you happen to follow my social media feeds, you’ll see reposts from a variety of sources…and is the case comments and opinions flow.
Recently an old friend “corrected” me by reminding me how evil astrology is after I reposted an amazingly inciteful post from Astrology with Betty…(astrologywithbetty.com highly recommended!) I totally understand where his concern was coming from… The Creator of All at Her very essence is pure Light and Love. Many of humanity's influencers however have a desire we live a less than an illuminated life…having us blindly walking through this very temporal 3-D experience and repeating it. One of the tools used to separate humanity very effectively is religion…organized religion in the U.S. alone is a 1.2 trillion-dollar business…variety not only adds to division but man does it fuels spending! I was born in north central Ohio so I came from a Christian fundamentalist grid. My walk took me from a dress-up ultra-conservative Sunday experience to the popular casual conservatives, to a progressive Kingdom believer. Each step along the way collecting with like-minded believers…those that made an agreement with the same box, a set of man-made limitations created for a relationship with The Creator of All…much like a social clubs rules for membership. Had I entered this world in India or China my truths would have been somewhat different but no less true! Wait…what somewhat different truths…how can truth be different? Obviously from my grid, The Bible was the foundation…believing The Creator of All wants to have a uniquely amazing experience with all of us fueled my hunger for study so I began reading other ancient texts. The Astra Hasis, The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Popo Vu, The Emerald Tablets, The Gospels of Judas, Thomas, and Mary Magdalene to name a few…added to a better translation of Genesis where the word Elohim was used and I was seeing differently. We read of how the Anunnaki came and settled the various corners of the Earth and created what we know as civilization…and how they have influenced humankind through the last 450 thousand years or so. One of their leaders, Enlil, in the Old Testament referred to as Yewei is shockingly (to an evangelical) not who he appears to be! We see the Anunnaki willingly assuming the position of gods where they settled resulting in the various world religions we have. So, there should be no surprise to find similarities at their very core. The Kingdom of Heaven is within Love your neighbor as yourself Above the temple of Isis, we can see the inscription Know Thyself. A huge clue left behind to light the path for humanity to find its way to raise its vibration and propel it out of the matrix of half-truths constructed to hold it back! Sadly, in the meantime, we each fight and argue that God's on our side and everyone else is going to hell fire…mission accomplished keeping people divided and looking outward for rescue! Meanwhile, the Christ in all of us weeps! The truth is each of us is a fractal of the Creator of All…so I can confidently say you are uniquely amazing and fully Devine as you read this…The Christ is in you, that is the ultimate truth…just waiting for you to say yes to walking your most amazing, powerful life! So, what about the prophet, the astrologer, and the channeler…they are each the same! Uniquely gifted each with different "tools" the Devine uses and like anything there is good and bad. We are tasked with using our spiritual superpower…discernment! As I’ve said before our ego needs to quantify everything and when it has to deal with the spiritual unseen items it kind of freaks out and the rules start spewing!! In Christian circles, there is an argument over whether or not all of the powerful gifts have been removed or are still active (isn’t THAT a great way to keep people powerless and helpless) thus we have denominations. (Divided nations) My hope for the reader is that your own hunger is aflame and you listen to your heart…challenge what you think you know…walk in your true self…walk in Love. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Proverbs 25:2 Walk in your royalty! E
One truth that transcends the creation stories of The Bible, The Popol Vuh, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and the Atra Hasis...the spoken word was (is) used to create. "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21 NIV What a huge statement! That is reminding you have the power of creation in your hands (mouth) what you speak into your life WILL BE! Yes, you are a Creator! I'm not speaking of the name it and claim it idea...no, rather the truth that your self-talk along with agreements you made with words others have spoken over you creates your world. In an earlier post, I asked you to make a running list of what your best life looks like, and if things were holding you back from that... what were they, It was cool to hear that some of you are in life's sweet spot, that is so awesome! Others of you said you are on your way toward that but still have "stuff" to resolve which is also awesome because you see the work that needs to be done...honestly, I'm with you constantly working on an upgrade! I retired in April of 2021 and moved to the beautiful Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico...off to our perfect life. All of a sudden I wasn't having much fun at all... the more quiet time I took for meditation the more a beast I had buried was rearing its head but I couldn't see the root of my issue! I was stuck, but I wholeheartedly believe The Creator of All will bring whatever is needed to help shift me...in this case, I was introduced to a local Reiki healer that has a unique gift...whether you want to call it prophesy, insight, woo-woo I don't care. We didn't discuss anything she just felt or heard things and spoke them out. For me, it was an extreme shortcut if you will...see the root of my continual dysfunction...an abandoned inner child. In my youth I watched my folks downsize, selling the family farm as the family business, a hardware store, failed, and then as they both fought cancer and died...Dad when I was 11 and Mom at 13. Through all of that my heart of hearts closed...I made an agreement I was not going to feel abandoned again and my Ego did its thing "protecting me" which means I kept people at a distance...in all my relationships...I couldn't trust to let them in...all because I didn't properly grieve and feel those losses. So my shadow work began... I spent time feeling those losses...it was messy with a lot of journaling that brought powerful exchanges! I wrote letters to my parents and my inner child pouring out my feelings...taking care of what needed to be done to bring healing and burnt them in my own fire ceremony. Requesting my ancestors prayers and encouragement from the beginning of my clan...and asking The Creator of All to fill my heart with love, raise my vibration, and bring Devine guidance and assistance. Those letters were handcrafted prayers...I purposefully chose each word to bring the ultimate truth of the Creators love for me and Her desire for me to ascend to the highest best version of myself. I can tell you the freedom, amazing peace, and an inner-child that is healthy was created...bringing my 'salvation' through those crafted prayers that the Devine within responded to. Co-creating is our birthright...Listen to and take control of your self-talk! Pay attention to what triggers you...that is a red flag and a great place to continue your inner journey Don't wait for someone to come along...forgive what needs to be forgiven, get angry if you need to...choose to take control of your life and become the hero of your story! Blessings, E Do you sometimes feel stuck or does the cycle you are in keep repeating itself? Often we get stuck in our heads reliving the past, either celebrating it or condemning ourselves. The event is over but it is replayed over and over as we relive our glory days or admonish ourselves and think "if I only did____." Possibly neither of those apply but you find yourself doing the same old same old as you ride the hamster wheel of life? Wondering what the heck else is there?!?!?! I came across a fabulous system that with some directed effort you can shift yourself from being stuck and propel yourself into the life you really want! As you begin this journey I recommend a quiet place, your tablet or a piece of paper and a pen, and 3 deep cleansing breaths cleansing breathing...sitting comfortably with good upright posture breath in through your nose deep down into your belly for a 5 second count, hold your breath for a 5 second count, and then exhale out your mouth for a 7 second count. For me at this point verbally asking The Creator of All and my guardian angels for assistance as I begin a time of prayer and meditation is paramount. They have sight of the highest and best version of who I really am designed to be and that's what I want! Across the paper I wrote the question... What does my very best life look like? As I allow myself to connect with Source and feel ~I allow myself to cover any and all topics and dream as I meditate...what does my very best life look like? Simply make a column and list everything that comes to your hearts mind...allow yourself extravagance do not allow your egoic self to talk yourself out of what your heart is feeling! Now you have your blueprint and can see there is a range of little things you can shift easily and then there is that elephant on the list... I had an entire heard! Don't freak out! Start making those easier shifts and reap those benefits...that will fuel your spirits fire to continue on and pretty soon you will notice that the elephant on the list on day 1 has shrunken considerably and what seemed unmovable has been transformed! I love this process of shifting what's not working and creating gold...true alchemy! Don't live from your history....live from your dreams and imaginations! Ernie Dr. Masraru Emoto is known for his study and experimentation with water which shows water is shaped by the environment. He Labeled containers differently with the below words on them and then froze droplets of the water and took a pic of the crystal structure. When I first saw his findings I was amazed and excited that words and emotions really shape us!! These vessels were labeled and somehow made an agreement with that word. Imagine the effect on the water if the word was verbalized over and over...stay with me. Our bodies are about 60% water...
Think of all the people that have spoken words over you... Parents, spouses, teachers, friends, relatives...you get the idea the number of folks that have spoken over us is looooong! As you are reading this I know a word or words spoken over you have popped into your head. I'm going to break traditional message-building guidelines and give you a call to action right now! Take a moment to quiet yourself...I'm a big fan of thoughtfully asking for angelic and Devine help! On a piece of paper make a column of all the negative words that come to mind that people have spoken over you, including what you speak over yourself. Next in another column write the positive for each of the negatives written. Notice your heart's reaction as you write the positive truths about yourself! Did they just flow or did that take some effort? Spend some time with the list in prayerful meditation, return the energy of each negative word spoken, and take back the energy you surrendered. For example, my Grandmother once said "Ernie doesn't have anything to say he just likes the sound of his voice". That really stuck with me and I agreed with it in my ego. It then settled in my subconscious which took some deliberate shadow work for me to come to terms with..." yes I do have something to say!" "So I return to my grandmother her frustrated energy and break the agreement I made with that proclamation and receive from the Universe new creative thoughts and the ability to convey the message!" Obviously, some words will be easier than others to break free from but YOU ARE SO WORTH IT! The more clearly you see your true beautiful spirit you will walk freer than ever and finally move forward on the thing your higher self has been showing you! The truth will set you free! The World needs you in your true authentic self! Undoubtedly words matter and we can work through the B.S. someone tries to put on us...always remember the most important conversation you have is the one you have with yourself...keep it real and be amazing! Ernie I thought it prudent to start this with some definitions of terms I'll be using frequently. Understand I am not a clinician these are my definitions derived from my own journey.
1. Ego Simply put it is our accumulated knowledge of all the data our available senses have gathered to this point in our life... we have both conscious and subconscious aspects. Its main job is to keep us safe as we encounter new ideas and situations so it is a good thing to have a healthy ego. However, it does like to be in control and enumerate all it's done... often the ego is at odds with our spirit and its desire to be free because of the ego's need to know and identify...also our subconscious ego will have our deepest wounding's hidden in a way to keep us safe but often makes healing difficult because it doesn't want to experience the pain or discomfort that goes along with the horribly delicious process. 2. Spirit We are infinite spiritual beings having a bodily experience (you would think we would take better care of it rather than focusing on our brief bodily joy ride!) The spirit is fun and whimsical much to the dismay of ego and when led by your Higher Self the synchronicities of life are astounding! (I'm not sure ego ever gets used to it!) 3. Higher Self Our Divine connection is within each of our hearts waiting to not just be acknowledged but lead you to be the best version of yourself! I thought this was a good way for me to break the ice and beneficial for you because I will be using Ego, Spirit, and Higher Self feely going forward and not everyone is familiar with the terms as I use them.
Our spirit's journey is to learn and grow and to possibly ascend as the Masters...My journey today is to go into my heart through prayer and meditation seeking the Divine in the quietness and when hearing making the appropriate adjustments which will lead me to be the best version of myself. We are not designed to live life alone and one of the positive aspects of the internet is we can connect easily wherever we are. (almost wherever!) I'm stoked to be a part of your journey and would love to hear from you and would be honored by your like, subscribe, and share! |
AuthorI'm Ernie, sharing to inspire inner growth...because you are Uniquely Amazing! Archives |